
So excited to share this in-home, lifestyle family session with you from this past week! I was thrilled when the Hanson’s decided to do a family session in this style.  I absolutely love being a fly on the wall while a family goes through day-in-the-life activities together. These are the images that the kids (and the parents!) will look back on in 10 years and treasure – not only because they captured this exact moment in everyone’s lives, but because you see the house, the pets, the games, the favorite toys. I could go on forever about this, but I’ll move along 🙂

Kris & Susie, thank you for having me into your home and allowing me to be a part of business as usual for a sliver of time. I hope you love these images as much as I do.




How can you choose one? They’re great fun!

I feel like I know these guys now. This is genuine goodness.