
I can’t help but feel like I’m on the brink.

Of good things, to be sure – but still. The feeling is one that is far from comfortable and filled with “what ifs.” My personal, professional, and academic lives are all in this stage of “almost” and waiting for the next steps is proving more difficult than I anticipated.

Personally, I’m planning my wedding for the beginning of June 2014. Being the bride is awesome but overwhelming – The Knot, Google Drive, and my friends and family are keeping me on track with planning and dreaming. I can’t wait to be a wife to the best guy I know.

Academically, I am a junior looking forward to my last year of art-making at the University of Minnesota, Morris. After my faculty review this year I anticipate a clearer sense of direction in creating gallery-ready photos and paintings.

Professionally, I’m booking for summer 2014, but I know that by the summer of 2015 I will be graduated and will FINALLY be able to focus 100% on my business. I’ve always had to balance school and work, and I can’t help but wonder how far I would be now if I would have/could give all my attention to photography and furthering my business. I am excited to have Nina Francine Photography be my main source of income, but knowing that I won’t just be supporting myself, but my husband and (possibly) a family makes the necessity of success clearer than ever before.

In all these things, I am reminded of Philippians 4:6-7…

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

In this season of expectation, I can rest in Christ and in His love and vision for me. I owe all of my successes to His faithfulness and I assuredly can trust Him with my future.

Stay tuned for a blog of this set of images!